Study Abroad
Fee Based Outgoing Study Abroad
Definition: UIUC students going to a foreign institution, on a study abroad program. This type of program is not reciprocal, and the fees are directly paid by the University of Illinois “UIUC”. These students are away from UIUC for a short period of time (one or two semesters) and are still enrolled as UIUC students.
A two-party contract is required for Fee Based Outgoing Study Abroad. The Unit must work with Illinois International Programs (IIP) to start the contracting process. IIP must approve all student travel to ensure all University policies are followed and to track student travel locations and safety. IIP will route a Contract Request, in Contracts+ to the Purchasing and Contract Management Office to be assigned . The Unit, in conjunction with IIP, submits the requisition that coincides with the Contract Request. The contract and associated requisition must reference each other, so they are appropriately assigned to the correct Buyer. Note that neither the contract nor the requisition will be assigned to a Study Abroad Contract Coordinator until both are received by the Purchasing and Contract Management Office.
A Study Abroad Contract Coordinator will review the agreement, make edits as needed and email the agreement to the “Partner” (Other Party: Study Abroad Program Provider, University or Foreign School), copying the Unit/Department. Negotiations continue, and can include Risk Management and Legal, as needed.
Once UIUC and Partner come to an agreement, the Partner returns a signed copy of the contract to the Contract Coordinator. The contract is sent to IIP for Chancellor and Vice Provost of International Affairs review and signature. The contract is then routed in Contracts+ for appropriate approvals, which typically includes the Vice Provost for International Affairs and Global Strategies, Legal, President and then Comptroller signature
Note this type of agreement typically takes several months to negotiate and finalize.
Virtual Global Experience
Definition: Virtual global experience through internships, projects and global classrooms. Professional and research experiences which offer students the opportunity to gain life and career skills through partner organizations.
A two-party contract is required for these programs. Please follow the contracting process for Fee Based Outgoing Study Abroad.
Short Term/Faculty-Led (Study Abroad) Programs
Definition: A study abroad program directed by a UIUC employee, usually a faculty member, who will accompany the students abroad. Most of the time, although not always, the study abroad experience is an integral part of an on-campus course. Most commonly, the study abroad portion of the course takes place during a midterm break or after the on-campus term has ended and lasts one to three weeks.
Before submitting your requisition gather/verify the following:
- Applicable contract, quote/invoice and itinerary
- Certificate of insurance (COI) for each vendor and sub-contracted vendor. Insurance requirements.
- A Certificate of Insurance is required for all transportation provided/arranged by the Vendor. There may be other parts of the trip that will require a COI as well.
- If the COI is in another language, please have it translated to English as best as possible.
- Send all documentation to Risk Management for review and approval.
- Verify that all travelers meet the Policy requirement for enrollment in UIUC-approved International Insurance for all students, program leaders, and some faculty and staff participating in University-related travel.
- Once all documentation is obtained, attach it to the requisition.
At the time of requisition submission:
- Attach all applicable document to the requisition, noting “Study Abroad” in the internal comment field. Be sure to include:
- Quote/invoice, itinerary, Certificates of Insurance, and Risk Management approval email.
- If you anticipate additional registrations or revisions to the program, which would cause the order to exceed the small purchase threshold, please indicate so internal to the requisition. This information needs to be disclosed before purchase order issuance.
- Attach the agreement to the requisition, if applicable. Agreements for faculty led programs typically do not need to be uploaded to Contracts+ for execution, due to minimal terms and conditions and short program term. In special circumstances, the Purchasing Buyer may ask that you upload the agreement into Contracts+.
Once the requisition and all above documentation is received:
- The assigned Study Abroad Contract Coordinator will work with the Unit on any additional documentation or information required. If applicable, the Study Abroad Buyer will negotiate terms and conditions and consult with Risk Management and Legal, as needed.
- The Purchase Order is issued.
The Contract/Purchase Order must be fully executed before any services can be provided or paid for.
No Funds (Non-Payable) Study Abroad
Definition: An affiliation agreement with a foreign institution that does not include a payable component. Examples of this type of agreement include (but are not limited to):
Exchange Agreement: A broad term for an agreement involving reciprocal movement of faculty, students, staff, or community members between institutions or countries.
Cooperative Agreement: An overarching agreement offered collaboratively by UIUC and a non-US higher education institution leading to the award of one or more degrees issued by one or both of the institutions involved in the collaboration.
Internship and Visiting Scholar Agreement: An agreement to expand learning and skill development via participating in or shadowing academic or research activities.
Consortium Agreement: A group of institutions and/or organizations that share one or more education abroad programs within a membership group in order to provide greater access, quality control, and/or cost efficiency in education abroad programs to students.
A two-party contract is required for all Non-Payable Study Abroad. The Unit must work with IIP to start the contracting process. IIP must approve all student travel to ensure all University policies are followed and to track student travel locations and safety. IIP will submit a Contract Request to the Purchasing and Contract Management Office to be assigned out.
A Contract Coordinator will review the agreement, make edits as needed and email the agreement to the Partner, copying the Unit/Department. Negotiations continue, and can include Risk Management and Legal, as needed.
Once UIUC and Partner come to an agreement, the Partner returns a signed copy of the contract to the Study Abroad Contract Coordinator. The contract is sent to IIP for Chancellor and Vice Provost of International Affair review and signature. The contract is then routed in Contracts+ for appropriate approvals, and Comptroller signature.
These agreements often take several months to negotiate and finalize.