Tips to Avoid Returned Requisitions
Below are the common reasons for returned requisitions. Reminder: This list is not all encompassing.
- Requisitions submitted without appropriate attachments.
- Purchasing and Contract Management Office (PCMO) requires all the pertinent information as it relates to the purchase. This includes but is not limited to valid quotes, contracts/terms and conditions, software information form for software purchases, federal source selection form. Other applicable information could be typed in the Internal Notes and Attachment section. Important to note, it is better to include too much information than not enough. For more information on how to submit your requisition please visit our Training Center and view the iBuy Purchase Requisition Form video.
- Requisitions submitted without deposit lines.
- A deposit line should be included on the requisition if outlined on the vendor quote. If the deposit line is not included, this delays payments to the vendor and requires a change request to the purchase order. Important to note, it is not in the best interest of the University to issue deposits on purchases. Please make sure to discuss this with your vendor to see if this can be removed prior to submitting your requisition.
- Requisitions submitted requiring line-item changes.
- When submitting a requisition, it is imperative that the line items on the requisition mirror the individual line items on the quote. Important to note that if there is a discrepancy between the quote and the requisition, this can cause delays in requisition processing and future payment to the vendor.
- Requisitions submitted without contract requests.
- Contract requests should be submitted when there is a two-party agreement requiring signature. Important to note, two-party agreements are required for various reasons, when in doubt submit a contract request. For more information on how to submit a contract request, please visit the Training Resource Center.
- Requisitions submitted for non-standard payment terms without supporting documentation.
- When non-standard payment terms are requested (e.g, net, pre-payment, etc.), additional documentation is required to be attached to the requisition outlining why the vendor will not accept the University’s standard Net 30 payment terms. Important to note that it is not in the best interest of the University to issue net or pre-payments on purchases. Please make sure to discuss this with your vendor to see if this can be removed prior to submitting your requisition.
- Requisitions submitted over the small dollar threshold ($100,000+) without supporting documentation.
- When submitting a requisition that is over the small dollar threshold of $100,000, supporting documentation is required to be included such as the Solicitation Information Form or Sole Source Form. Important to note that the department should select the appropriate solicitation method (IFB, Sole Source, RFP, etc.) prior to submitting the requisition. If the procurement falls under a contracted vendor, the vendor must include the contract number on the quote. For questions regarding procurements over the small dollar threshold, please reach out to
- Requisitions submitted with the wrong selections made on the Purchase Requisition Form.
- When submitting requisitions, it’s important to make the appropriate selections regarding the purchase, on the Purchase Requisition Form. The Purchase Requisition Form is reviewed by PCMO to ensure complete and accurate answers. Important to note that PCMO holds monthly iBuy trainings providing step-by-step instructions on how to accurately answer the Purchase Requisition Form in iBuy. For more information on how to fill out the purchase requisition form, please visit the Training Resource Center.
- Requisitions submitted with the incorrect vendor ID.
- Requisitions should be submitted with the vendor ID that matches the supporting documentation provided from the vendor. The department should ensure that the vendor information is correct prior to submitting the requisition. Failure to do so may result in delays in requisition processing and payment. Important to note that if a vendor ID is incorrect, the department will need to seek a new vendor information form from their vendor.