Purchasing Forms Directory - University of Illinois
Campus in Fall

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University of Illinois


Purchasing Forms Directory

Here you’ll find a collection of the office’s purchasing forms. Use the filters and search bar to quickly locate the specific form you need. Whether you’re submitting a request or tracking a purchase, these resources are designed to streamline your process.

Click on the boxes below to filter by category, or type a keyword to start searching.

Form Categories

Keyword Search

Facility Use Agreement

Facility Use Agreement (FUA) Over $10,000

Laboratory or Scientific Spaces/Equipment ONLY - Facilities Use Agreements (FUA) for scientific spaces and equipment only (not general campus space rental) set forth the terms under which the University will provide permission for a third party to use specific University facilities, equipment and resources for research and development purposes.

Facility Use Agreement

Facility Use Agreement (FUA) Under $10,000

Laboratory or Scientific Spaces/Equipment ONLY - Facilities Use Agreements (FUA) for scientific spaces and equipment only (not general campus space rental) set forth the terms under which the University will provide permission for a third party to use specific University facilities, equipment and resources for research and development purposes.

Purchase Order Forms

Financial Disclosure and Conflict of Interest Form

The financial disclosure form is required for procurements that exceed the small dollar threshold of $100,000, and may be requested for certain small dollar purchases that require conflict of interest review.

Software Forms

Generative AI Risk Awareness Form

This form is required when there will be a purchase and use of generative AI such as ChatGPT.

Contract Templates

Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement for Revenue Generating Purposes

This template is used when the University and an outside party are going to share confidential information with one another in anticipation of future revenue-generating activities.

Contract Templates

Non-Clinical Affiliation Agreement

The Non-Clinical Affiliation Agreement is used for student internships in non-clinical/non-healthcare settings.

Solicitation Forms

PPB Six Questions

The PPB 6 question form is required for any solicitation renewal with a value over $250,000.

Contract Templates

Revenue-Generating Services Agreement Over $10,000

This template agreement is used for all University-provided supplies or services that exceed $10,000 in revenue.

Contract Templates

Revenue-Generating Services Agreement Under $10,000

This agreement is used when another entity requests the University’s supplies or services. Unit Heads may sign for the University when there are no changes made to the template.

Software Forms

Software Information Form

This form is required for all software purchases or equipment which includes software submitted on an iBuy requisition.

Solicitation Forms

Sole Source Form

The sole source form is required for procurements over the small dollar threshold where there is only a single supplier available.

Solicitation Forms

Sole Source Renewal Form

The sole source renewal form is required for any sole source that has renewal options.

Purchase Order Forms

Source Selection & Price Justification

The Source Selection & Price Justification form (SSPJF) is needed for any federally funded purchase over $25,000.

Contract Templates

Technical Testing Agreement (TTA) Over $10,000

Technical testing is a specific service by which the University uses unique University equipment or facilities to test provided materials/items and deliver results without interpretation or analysis.

Contract Templates

Technical Testing Agreement (TTA) Under $10,000

Technical testing is a specific service by which the University uses unique University equipment or facilities to test provided materials/items and deliver results without interpretation or analysis. Unit Heads may sign for the University when there are no changes made to the template.

Purchase Order Forms

Tent Rental Agreement

This tent rental agreement is required when renting items under the current award, 1RMJ1907.

Contract Templates

UIUC Clinical Affiliation Agreement

The Clinical Education Affiliation Agreement is used for student internships in clinical/healthcare settings.

Contract Templates

UIUC Course Project Master Agreement

The Course Project Master Agreement template is used when a company or organization seeks to partner with the University to provide student experiential learning opportunities where students earn course or graduation credit (for example, "capstone projects").

Facility Use Agreement

UIUC Facility Use Agreement (FUA)

General (non-scientific) Space Use for Non-University Clients – This Facility Use Agreement for Applicant temporary use of an Illinois Facility for an event.

Solicitation Forms

UIUC Solicitation Information Form

This form is required to initiate a competitive solicitation such as an Invitation for Bid or Request for Proposal.

Purchase Order Forms

Vendor Release Form

The vendor release form is required when a vendor has performed a non-conforming service or product without a current agreement/contract.