Charter Services - University of Illinois
Campus in Fall

Search Purchasing and Contract Management Office

University of Illinois


Charter Services

Charter Services

Contract Vendor

Peoria Charter Coach Co. is the contracted charter bus service providers for the University per award of Invitation for Bid (IFB) 1JNA2007. Departments should initiate charter bus arrangements directly with a University-approved vendor (see below for contact information). To ensure availability, departments should contact these vendors several weeks in advance of their trip. The following information will be required to obtain a trip quote from the vendor: 

  • Date(s) and time(s) of trip to be taken
  • Destination
  • Number of passengers (to determine size and number of buses)
  • Type of bus required – luxury or school bus

When arrangements are made with Peoria Charter Coach Co., departments should request a written, itemized confirmation from the vendor to be sent to the department. Departments are responsible for reviewing these confirmations for accuracy. The quote from Peoria Charter does not need to be signed or reviewed by the Purchasing and Contract Management Office. After reviewing, the department should send an electronic requisition through iBuy using the Purchase Requisition Form answering “No” to all questions on the Order Information Screen.  Additionally, please be sure to enter CN-00044068 and 1JNA2007 in the appropriate fields as well as attach the vendor’s confirmation in the External Attachments section.

Payments will be made net 30 days after completion of the trip.

The contract with Peoria Charter Coach Co. contains a cancellation clause. Cancellations must be made 16 hours prior to the trip. If the cancellation is made less than 16 hours prior to the trip, departments may incur cancellation charges of $100.00. It is suggested that cancellations be handled as far in advance as possible.

Peoria Charter Coach Co.
2008 N, Federal Drive
Urbana, IL 61801

Other Authorized Vendors

Departments may make arrangements with other University-approved vendors if Peoria Charter is unable to provide service on the requested date (see below), provided the total cost per trip is under the current fiscal year bid limit for supplies or services. Quotes should be obtained using the same information as described for the contract vendor, but should be routed to the Purchasing and Contract Management Office using the Route to Purchasing form in iBuy to obtain a purchase order. In addition, the department must request a copy of the vendor’s Certificate of Liability Insurance listing the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois as additional insured. In order to do business with the University, the vendor must provide workers compensation insurance and insurance coverage in the amount of $10,000,000 per occurrence for 25+ passengers, $7,000,000 per occurrence for 15-24 passengers, or $5,000,000 for less than 15 passengers. 

NOTE: Any request for charter bus service exceeding the current fiscal year bid limit with any vendor other than Peoria Charter Coach Co. must be competitively bid. The department must contact Purchasing at 217-333-3505.

If departments have any questions regarding the Purchasing and Contract Management Office’s requirements for chartering a bus, please contact Urbana Purchasing and Contract Management at 217-333-3505 or use the Service Desk Request Form.